Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Look Who's Teaching You Now!

       I had a wonderful lunch with a bunch of hungry college students today.  I shared some good food, great conversation, and had fun all at the same time.  I was also challenged to think and learn.  It began with me sharing a story from early in my ministry.
       I became Agnes pastor shortly before her 100th birthday.  I was her pastor for five years and during that time, she taught me a great deal.  It began the first time I brought her Holy Communion.  I shared the readings from worship that morning and began to talk about my sermon which was based on a reading from 1 Corinthians.  I was close enough to my graduation that I still thought I was quite smart with all of my degrees.  Agnes interrupted me.  "Excuse me, pastor.  I know I only have a third grade education but I've been reading Paul for over 90 years.  Let me tell you what I think he really meant."
       I've shared this story many times before because it was an important turning point for me; I began to learn to value the wisdom of "lived" faith beyond academia.  But today, I was given another opportunity to think and learn.  Before I could get to the "moral of the story", the student I was talking to asked me what were the particular insights she gave me, what did Agnes teach me about what Paul had to say?  My reply wasn't particularly insightful and I've been thinking about it ever since.
       I went back and looked in my records and found the text for that day, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.   I had spent a great deal of time writing on the text, how Paul tells us that we, "though many, are one body" in Christ.  We have different roles and gifts but we are gathered in Christ.  We need each and everyone person despite our differences.  I'm sure I was carrying on in a very detached and hypothetical way, trying to bring it all to some plane of spiritual community.
       What I learned from Agnes that day (and the years following) was Paul's words taken on a personal and very real level lived out a long time.   We humans are a varying lot, very different from each other and yet the same in our ability to break promises, hurt one another in various ways, disagree and be disagreeable with one another.  We are alike in that no matter how hard we try; we will always make mistakes and need forgiveness.  Life is hard and terrible things happen to even very good and faithful people: crops fail, loved ones die, and our bodies fail us.  Belonging to Jesus doesn't prevent these things from happening and sometimes we do feel very much alone in our grief and suffering.  But being gathered into one body means that we are here to support and pray for one another and hold one another in love.  You do what you can to help one another.  It's not a matter of being buddies but a matter of faith.  Being part of the community of faith is what gets you through the worst of times.
       Soon after that first visit, my daughter (a toddler at the time) became ill with pneumonia and was hospitalized.  Agnes, who had lost children due to lack of antibiotics (before they were invented and when there were no doctors in the area), worried about her, continuing to pray for us and ask about her for months.  Our visits became times of mutual ministry and exchanges of care as we were nourished with the Word in scripture and bread and wine.   My personal life and my ministry are all the richer from the blessing of knowing her.
       Belonging to Christ is being gathered into this wondrous group of all kinds of people, many of whom are so different that on our own, we might not ever have come to know or care for each other.  We are not just enriched by their presence in our lives, they are necessary to the life of the body of Christ.  The person I learned from today was not even born when I had that first conversation with Agnes.  Now I have learned from them both.  Who are the different voices in your life that have taught and cared for you along the way?  Pray also about the people who need your hospitality and ministry.  Read Romans 12:4-12

Friday, September 17, 2010

Boxers or Briefs?

      It used to be that the place to get gossip about famous people was in magazines or newspapers kept by the checkout in grocery stores.  Their content was known as "yellow journalism" and both those that wrote for them and those that read them were looked down on a bit, or at least they were seen as a guilty pleasure.   Although popular enough to make a profit, they were seen as less than respectable.
       Now we seem to have made a national obsession of such news that such content is now a staple of news magazines, newspapers,  network TV news shows, and their on-line counterparts.  You can hear who is dating or divorcing whom, or who has gained or lost weight, or whose in the middle of a juicy scandal right along with the world news of leaders of state, war, or the economy.  Far from being seen as a sin, gossip has become big business.  Not only are billions of dollars made from selling magazines, papers, and shows, but mega amounts of money are paid for photographs, private information, tips, and stories.
       Sometimes, we cover our want for gossip by telling ourselves and others that we need or want to know because we care.  We may even extend this "caring" to people that we will likely never meet.   We seem to have lost our expectation of privacy both for the famous and for each other so it is easy to get caught up in gossip.  It might not matter so much except that what we come to "know" is not always true and it changes as it spreads from person to person.  The other part of the problem is that we all too easily judge others by this information and react emotionally before we even know the truth.
       I wish I could say this is different in the church but as is all too clear these days; there is just as much gossip, mis-information, and emotional reaction in the Christian community.   It can create a great deal of pain, hard feelings, division, and confusion.  We can deceive ourselves by insisting that we are just trying to stand up for the truth but it works against community in Christ just the same.
       Whether we're talking about Brad Pitt, the church, or a neighbor, scripture has advice for us.  In his letter to the church in Ephesus (the book of Ephesians), Paul writes in chapter 4 and 5 about this topic.  He asks the people to bear one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit.  We are one body (even when we don't want to claim everyone) and we have one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God who is above, through, and in all things.  The word is very clear on this point: our unity comes from and through Jesus Christ and not what we have said or done or accomplished.
       Not only our unity, but also our salvation comes from what Jesus has done and not ourselves.  As Paul writes, "you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing: it is the gift of God - not the result of works" (Ephesians 3:8-9).  This being true, there is nothing left for us to judge each other about because ultimately we are all saved by grace.  It is what Jesus has done that matters in the end.  As people of faith, our conversation is to reflect this grace and love, using talk to help each other, build up community, and give grace to each other.
       The goal we are to aim for is to live as God's beloved children; to live in love as Christ loved us.  Read Ephesians 4:25-32.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

In God's Arms

       Perhaps the thing I miss most since my children are older is the wonderful feeling of holding a sleeping baby or young child.   There is something very comforting and serene when holding them in your arms and they fall deeply asleep.  Then they completely relax into you and it's like a little radiant heater goes on and they put out quite a bit of warmth.  And they smell good (most of the time).
       Holding a sleeping babe is so peaceful; probably because is such a sign of complete trust and love on the part of both people.  Also, they often seem like stolen moments from the busyness of the world, the noise, and the rush.  My mother told me to take the time to enjoy those moments.  She warned me that children grow up all too soon, that childhood goes by very quickly.  I have to admit that I really didn't believe her especially on those days when I felt like I was lucky to have the time to wash my face and brush my hair.  But even so, I tried to take time out to sit and hold my children, to read, to cuddle, and even to nap.
      As our children grow up, there are still times when they need and we want to give them that kind of care and attention, especially when they are ill or when we've been apart.  A couple of summers ago, I was in a car full of women in leadership positions, going off to a convention.  We stopped to pick up one of the speaker's octogenarian mother who greeted her with a hug and a kiss.  "You are never too old to be kissed by your mama," she announced.
       Taking time for worship and prayer can be like spending time being held, trusting in the love and grace of God.  It can bring calm and hope even in the midst of the worst things life can throw at us.  This is especially important for us to remember these day.  There are people who seem intent to spread fear and division among us as we come upon another anniversary of 9/11.   With elections coming up in November, there are plenty of other people who are seemingly fighting over which party or which candidate or program we should be afraid of (and therefore vote against).
        Certainly, there is more than enough to worry about.   The state of the world's economy on a large scale and the state of our own incomes and debt are scary.  As farmers well know, even when the crop looks good in the field, you're not safe until it's harvested and sold for a good price.  Disasters, whether natural or human-caused, are great at making us feel helpless and even hopeless.  Serious illness or injury to someone we love can do the same thing and all of our fretting and worrying will not change anything for the better.  I don't think any of us would have to look far or hard to find something that will keep us awake at night.
       Which is why it is good to remember that we are never too old or too much in trouble for God to hold us.  God's love for you is bigger and stronger than all of these worries.  God brings real and true hope even in the face of death and destruction.  It is not only okay to take time to rest in God away from these worries; it is good for you body, mind, and soul.  Whether you call it devotions, worship, or meditation, it can lower your blood pressure, boost your immune system, and help you sleep.   Take some time to rest in God.  Read Psalm 131.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Flip Flops and All

       We had fun on Sunday!  We celebrated Flip Flop Sunday this week.  I wore my flip flops with butterflies on them, we sang lots of fun hymns (yes, there are fun hymns!), and shared a gospel story.  I passed out bottle of bubbles during the children's sermon.  Some people not only wore flip flops on their feet but also on their clothing!  This Sunday is about so much more than footwear though, so I thought I would share some of the background thoughts with you.                
        A few years ago, I was having a conversation with some teens when someone remarked that they wished they could wear their flip flops to church on Sunday.  Then I was asked if there was a reason that they couldn't or shouldn't; after all, does it matter to God? Which led to a discussion around the question: doesn't God accept us just the way we are?  I agreed and then we had a great conversation about what that means.
       Out of that discussion came the idea for "Flip Flop Sunday" - a worship service designed to be fun and friendly where the intentional focus is the invitation to "come in your flip flops" as a reminder that God loves and accepts you just the way you are.
       Why do flip flops work as a symbol?  They are generally a humble shoe.  Even these days, you can find them on sale for a dollar or two.  Because they go between the toes, they are usually worn without socks so your feet show in their complete glory (bunions, corns, toe hair, cracks, blisters and all) and after walking around a while, your feet get dirty and dusty.   Some places don't allow flip flops or openly discourage them: places of work, some schools, and certain restaurants.  They certainly aren't seen as formal or dress-up wear although I've seen them given as bridesmaid gifts to wear for the reception or worn at after-prom parties.  Although they are simple shoes, flip flops are associated with summer and the stuff we like about summer: dressing casual, being relaxed and having fun.
       Flip flop Sunday is an intentional time to remember and celebrate once again that we are saved by God's grace who knows us completely and loves us just the same.  This amazing grace and love of God is a continual source of joy and comfort.  And besides, it is not only okay but also appropriate for us to celebrate God's love!  Or, as it says in the communion liturgy, it is "indeed right and salutary that we should in all times and all places give thanks and praise" to God.
       Shouldn't every Sunday be flip flop Sunday?  Absolutely and in God's eyes, everyday God reaches out with forgiveness, life, and love to us no matter what we look like, no matter what we have done or left undone, no matter how sure our faith or how shaky or absent our belief.  Before we have a chance to say a word, God comes running with open arms to welcome us.  It is the image that Jesus gives us in the parable story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:20).   It is one of the most comforting images of God that is given to us.
       God does not need flip flop Sunday but it is we who need the reminder.  It is too quick and easy for us to turn gestures of love and respect into rules and requirements: one must dress nice, say these words, act this way, and do these things.  Taking time for a flip flop Sunday is a gentle reminder to relax into God's loving arms and allow ourselves to be held, comforted, and cared for.  It is also a reminder that we are called to give the people around us the same welcome, forgiveness, and love.
       Jesus reminds us to be humble and not to assume that we are better or more deserving than anyone else.  Wearing our flip flops is a reminder that we all come to the table with dirty feet, in need of Jesus to wash us clean.  Jesus does not call us to church to sit in seats of honor but to do the things he did; wash feet, feed the poor, care for the sick, and show love for all people.  Read Luke 14:7-14

Flip Flops (the poem)

Flip Flops  (2006)
               Christine Iverson

Today I came to church
wearing flip flops.
I wasn't wearing a suit,
or a fancy hat with a bow.
At first,
I felt uncomfortable.
Maybe God wouldn't like it.
It might be upsetting.
And then I thought,
would God really get upset
because I wore jeans
or anything else?
Is that what bothers God?

Then I remembered:
unkind words, cussing,
the fit I threw in the car,
my impatience in line
(did it really matter
that I had to wait?).
People are hungry,
innocents are dying
because of bombs
they cannot control.
I turned off the news.
I couldn't be bothered.

I came to church today,
wearing my flip flops.
I was reminded that God
adopted me in baptism.
God loves me -
just the way I am.
Now it's my turn
to share that love.
God knows
how much we need it.